Friday, September 7, 2007

Before we start installing and configuring software, you need to find out the following things;
  • Your home IP Address
  • Your work/school external IP Address
The easiest way to get your IP Addresses is to go to at home and at work. Write down the numbers.

We're going to be using 2 fairly simple pieces of software; an SSH Server and an SSH Client.

There are a few flavors of SSH Server's out there, but we're going to be using OpenSSH because it's free. The website for OpenSSH is . But wait! OpenSSH doesn't run on Windows unfortunately... But there is a site that converted OpenSSH to run on Windows, which is what we want! .

Download OpenSSH for Windows from . The version I wrote this document using was 3.7.1p1-1. The latest version should work for you, plus it will have less security holes.

For the SSH Client I recommend using Putty. Putty is a small single executable SSH client with the ability to setup a tunnel. The newer version also support Dynamic Forwarding, which is essential. It's possible to use OpenSSH as your client as well as your server, but Putty is much easier to setup and use. Download putty.exe from .

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